Cybersecurity is a hot topic today. There are many reasons why it matters to both individuals and organizations. Here are the top 11 reasons why cybersecurity matters to you and your organization’s bottom line.

1) It protects your data:

2) It protects your organization’s critical infrastructure:

3) It reduces the risk of attacks:

4) It reduces the chance of being sued for damages:

5) You can avoid fines from regulatory agencies:

6) You can avoid fines from credit card companies:

7) You can avoid getting fined by customers or clients for certain privacy violations, such as not getting their consent before collecting their data or sharing it with third parties without their knowledge, etc.:

8) You will be less likely to lose customer trust and loyalty if you have a well-defined cyber security policy in place that is enforced throughout your organization’s processes and procedures, including training employees on how to protect customer information. :

9) You will improve cyber security risk management by helping your organization to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in your systems and processes:

10) You will be able to provide evidence that you are doing everything reasonably possible to protect customer information in the event of a data breach or other cyber security incident:

11) You can help control liability when an employee’s negligence leads to your company’s customer information being stolen, disclosed, or damaged.

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